Along stream banks and wetlands, a “riparian buffer” is a forested area that is designed to protect the water from pollution and to mitigate flooding and erosion. This article will provide some details on why this is so important. The word “riparian” just refers to...
A Rain Garden is a landscape depression that can be filled with moisture-loving plants. Hidden beneath the pretty plants is a natural storm water treatment system that allows 30% more water to infiltrate into the ground. This reduces the amount of water from flowing...
One frequent landscaping mistake is using too much or too little mulch or not remembering to mulch both in the spring and the fall. Mulch depth is determined by the type of material used. The general rule is that 1-4 inches is the maximum depth. The goal is to allow...
Mulch is a significant and routine investment for any landscaper. At Wales Station Nursery and Big Creek Landscaping we want to make sure that you know what to look for and what questions to ask before you buy your season’s supply. When investing in mulch here...
One question we hear asked a lot at the nursery about landscaping and gardening is, “How much should I spend on landscaping and yard work to increase the resale value of my property?” Most of the answers involve studies done about improving the lawn, shrubs, mulch,...
We know. Something came over you and you found yourself volunteering to host a wedding family reunion church picnic company lawn party Christmas Open House fill in the blank in your yard or in your home. You knew you would have to deal with a menu and décor and...